Important Updates

  • The priority filing date for the 2024-25 FAFSA and CADAA was extended to May 2, 2024. Visit Apply for Financial Aid for details.
  • The Department of Education has announced they will send information from the 2024-25 FAFSA to schools in mid-March. This may result in a delay in financial aid packaging and offers for the 2024-25 academic year. While awaiting your financial aid offer, we encourage you to utilize the UC Davis Financial Aid Estimator to estimate your potential aid.

Direct Loan Fee Calculator

Origination Fee Calculator

An origination fee is a charge that the borrower pays for taking out the loan. This fee is deducted from the accepted loan amount. For more information visit

Students can use this calculator to estimate the amount to be received after the loan origination fee is deducted from the accepted loan amount.

Enter the origination fee percentage for the loan and either the accepted loan amount or the estimated amount to be received. Each field will auto-calculate based on the other.



Origination Fee Rates by Loan Type and First Disbursement Date

Direct Subsidized and Direct Unsubsidized Loans
10/1/2020 - 9/30/2024 1.057%
10/1/2019 - 9/30/2020 1.059%
Direct PLUS Loans
10/1/2020 - 9/30/2024 4.228%
10/1/2019 - 9/30/2020 4.236%