Doctor treating small child with parents smiling

Important Updates

  • Every September 17, the United States pauses to commemorate the drafting of its Constitution. For more information, see Constitution Day at UC.
  • While awaiting your financial aid offer, we encourage you to utilize the UC Davis Financial Aid Estimator to estimate your potential aid.

Schools of Medicine and Nursing

Financial Aid for UC Davis Health Programs

Financial Aid is administered by the UC Davis Health Financial Aid Office for the following programs:

School of Medicine Degree Programs

  • Doctor of Medicine
  • Davis PRIME
    • ACE-PC
    • TEACH-MS
    • RURAL
    • REACH
  • Public Health
  • Health Informatics

School of Nursing Degree Programs

  • Nurse Practitioner
  • Physician Assistant
  • Entry Program in Nursing
  • Health-Care Leadership
  • Nursing Science (Ph.D.)

Financial Aid information for UC Davis Health Students